Commonly Asked SAS Interview Questions with Answer : 61 - 65

Ques 61 : How could we create a SAS date value by using separate variables representing day, month and year of the date ?

Ans : We can use MDY function to create a SAS date value by using separate variables like day, month and year.

Ques 62 : What are the ways to view cube data when cube has been created by SAS OLAP CUBE Studio ?

Ans : We can view the cube data (cube - created by SAS OLAP CUBE STUDIO ) by following ways :

1.  SAS Enterprise Guide
2.  SAS Web OLAP viewer for java
3.  MS- Excel Pivot tables
4.  SAS Information Delivery Portal's visual data explorer portlet

Ques 63 : What are the load styles or ways to load the data to DW or permanent table by using TABLE LOADER transformation in SAS DI Studio ?

Ans : There are THREE ways to load the data to permanent table by using Table Loader Transformation in SAS DI Studio as given below :

1. Append to Existing
2. Replace
3. Update / Insert

Ques 64 : Can we create an Index on a View ?

Ans : No, We can not create an Index on View.

Ques 65 : Why we do Indexing (in simple word) and how many types of Indexes we can create in SAS ?

Ans : Indexing : To extract a small subset of observations from a large data set.

We can create two types of Indexes in SAS :

1. Simple Index
2. Composite Index